2024-2025 MTA Handbook
- Introduction to MTA
- Attendance
- Classroom Parties
- Curriculum
- Curriculum Procedures
- Daily Schedule
- Field Trips
- Owl Star Assemblies
- Food Services
- General Information
- Grading and Report Cards
- Homework/Assignments
- Nurse Information
- School Rules and Regulations
- School Safety
- School Services
- Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up
- Student Uniform Dress Code
- Visiting Your Child
Introduction to MTA
MTA parents, administration, and staff work together as partners in the school's decision-making process. The Guild, MTA’s PTO, is organized with the representation of parents and staff to establish and uphold the school's educational foundation. All rules and regulations outlined in this manual shall be consistent with the Madison Elementary School District Governing Board's policies and be actively enforced by the principal.
Mission Statement
We are dedicated to providing the structure, environment, and inspiration to propel all of our students to achieve excellence in academics and become responsible, productive, and respectful future citizens.
The Madison Traditional Academy was founded on the principle that parents and staff shall work together to provide an education that encourages students to pursue academic excellence to the best of their abilities. The back-to-basics curriculum, pace of studies, and specific expectations for academic achievement, behavior, and dress require a firm commitment from every parent, student, and teacher. Every effort will be made to maximize student educational time and promote high standards and expectations for all students, parents, and staff. By selecting MTA, parents, students, and staff are responsible for and committed to supporting MTA programs, upholding standards, and following the rules and policies of the school.
MTA….Where Learning Never Stops!
Traditional Curriculum
MTA develops a solid foundation of fundamental and higher-level thinking skills. Our curriculum uses direct teaching techniques, whole-class instruction, and approved teaching methods.
MTA is a “school of choice” with no complex boundaries. MTA accepts students based on the open enrollment policy of the Madison School District. Families must meet the behavior, attendance, and mandatory family volunteer requirement to continue enrollment.
Arizona State Law charges the parent or guardian responsible for the student’s consistent school attendance. Attending school daily, being on time, and remaining for the entire day are very important for the total commitment to learning. Absences and tardiness disrupt the learning process. Students are expected to attend regularly (minimum of 90 % of the school days) and be prompt in arriving at school. Regardless of the reason, extreme absenteeism or tardiness may result in the loss of open enrollment from MTA. Parents are encouraged to make doctor, dentist, and other appointments for their child at times that will not interfere with school. Students who miss two hours of instructional classroom time are considered absent for half a day.
To report your child's absence, call 602-745-4021 (even if you have informed your teacher of the absence). For your convenience, voice mail is available 24 hours a day to notify the school of an absence. Please indicate the reason for absence if you use the voicemail system. Absences not reported will be considered unexcused or truant absences. Students who are absent for ten or more consecutive days will immediately be removed from the MTA enrollment roster and lose their open enrollment privilege.
Make-up Work
When a student is absent, homework will be provided upon their return, and the student will be provided one day for each day missed to make up any missed work. Parents may request homework for absences exceeding three days when the call is made to report the child’s absence. The homework can be picked up in the school office after 3:00 p.m. that day.
Taking your child out early from school
For your child’s protection, no child will be released directly to a parent from the classroom. If your child must leave school early, a parent must come into the school office to “sign out” their child. To maximize academic time, a student will not be called to the office until the parent or designee has arrived and signed them out or in the last 10 minutes of the school day. Anyone signing out a student for early release may be required to show identification.
Any Student who is not in the classroom by 8:00 a.m., regardless of the reason (including medical appointments), will be considered tardy. All students must be signed in at the front office by a parent/guardian and receive a pass before being allowed to enter a classroom. Excessive tardiness may result in the loss of open enrollment from MTA.
Classroom Parties
School-sponsored classroom parties shall be limited to a maximum of three (3) per school year. Usually, these three classroom parties are conducted before Winter recess, Valentine’s Day, and at the end of the year. Games and recreation activities used during classroom parties shall be related to an academic or character development endeavor. Please refer to the General Information section for classroom celebrations of student birthdays.
The Philosophy of MTA is that students will rise to high expectations. Therefore, MTA implements grade-level advanced in Math. MTA shall meet or exceed all curriculum objectives established by the Madison Elementary School District. A sequential curriculum will be utilized in language arts, math, and reading. New material is introduced each year, which builds upon the previous year’s curriculum. The Arizona State Educational Standards will remain as the MTA’s framework. Quality teaching strategies will infuse the relationship of the subject matter to real-world situations. The curriculum selected for each subject area will reflect the MTA philosophy and the importance of basic skills acquisition.
Curricular Activities
Curricular activities are activities conducted during regular school hours. Specific activities shall include but are not limited to assemblies, field trips, and flag observances. Students are expected to be well-behaved during all curricular activities. A student may be excluded from a curricular activity at the discretion of the teacher or the administration.
Language Arts
The language arts program shall be based on the Spalding Method using The Writing Road to Reading. As a total language arts program, Spalding integrates direct instruction in listening, speaking, spelling, writing, and reading. The Spalding mission is to develop skilled readers, critical listeners, accomplished speakers, spellers, writers, and lifelong learners. A strong emphasis on oral and written grammar will be stressed.
All K-6 language arts teachers at MTA should have completed the Spalding I course before being employed. The language arts program shall integrate the following components:
- Spelling shall be a phonics-based program emphasizing daily written and oral phonics drills. Phonics with Spalding manuscript and/or cursive handwriting shall be directly taught and maintained as standardized penmanship for all grade levels. The Morrison-McCall Spelling Scale shall be used as an evaluation tool to determine students’ need for additional help in the Ayers list. Students’ proficiency in phonograms and spelling shall be evaluated, and remediation may be given if necessary.
- Vocabulary development shall be emphasized during spelling and in other content areas. Dictionary skills shall also be taught.
- In accordance with grade level expectations, each student shall participate in creative writing experiences as well as written book reports and research papers. Teachers shall encourage students’ creativity while maintaining high expectations for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and neatness:
- Reading skills shall be developed utilizing quality literature and the classics, along with the phonic skills learned in spelling and handwriting. A strong emphasis shall be placed on listening and reading comprehension, literary appreciation, passage structure, and mental actions. MTA utilizes the Accelerated Reader (A.R.) program. Each student will take a quarterly assessment (known as STAR) to determine their reading ability range. Students read age-appropriate books and then take quizzes testing their comprehension during silent sustained reading (SSR) each day. Each student shall have a library book available at their desk to read at all times. Detailed book reports may be required throughout the year. Each grade level determines the number of book reports. Detailed book reports shall be on books approved by the teacher within the student’s personal reading level range. Failure to complete the required book report is considered a missed long-term assignment. Students shall not be allowed to repeat book reports from previous years for detailed book reports.
- Appropriate listening, speaking, and memorization exercises shall be required at each grade level. Students shall memorize and recite material appropriate for their grades. The teacher may select quality poetry or prose, or sections from the Constitution or other patriotic memory pieces.
Mathematics shall include the mastery and practical application of basic mathematical principles. Students shall understand that mathematical problems have absolute answers and that precision and accuracy are required. The use of calculators to complete class work or homework shall occur only when directed by the teacher. The mathematics program used shall be Reveal Math. Reveal is a textbook-based program that presents the material in an incremental, circular approach. Through reasoning, representation, connections, and problem solving, Reveal requires students to stay connected daily with specific mathematical concepts. Concepts shall be developed, reviewed, and practiced daily. Note: Reveal math is taught one academic grade level ahead at each grade level.
MTA shall utilize the Inspire Science program adopted and approved by the Madison Elementary School District. Science shall include the application of science and engineering practices in the context of biological sciences, earth and space sciences, and physical sciences. Students will engage in the 5E model to develop evidence-based, causal explanations of natural phenomena aligned with the Arizona State Science Standards.
Social Studies/History/Geography/Government
MTA will utilize social studies materials adopted and approved by the Madison Elementary School District. The history/government program shall consist of the study of ancient history, American history, Arizona history, world history, and grade-level-appropriate current events. Geography shall include the study of place, location, regions, relationships within places, and map skills appropriate to grade levels. Citizenship and patriotism shall be emphasized in the study of history, geography, and government.
Special Area Classes
Art, General Music, and Physical Education are taught by certified teaching specialists and are required classes for all K-4 students. Students in K-4 will receive a minimum of 30 minutes of daily instruction in each area, twice every six days. Students in 5-8 grades will receive elective options. A library is also available for student use and is supervised by a non-certified staff member.
Technology shall be integrated into the MTA curriculum as an additional resource that offers the student quality practice or for reference or communication as related to a specific subject. Computer skills, such as keyboarding, will be taught where developmentally appropriate. Every classroom has a classroom set of Chromebooks available for student use.
Curriculum Procedures
The following general curriculum procedures are established to ensure that Madison Traditional Academy will continue to meet the expectations of parents, teachers, administration, and the Madison Elementary School District Governing Board. Classroom teachers and administrators shall utilize the following procedures as a guide for classroom organization and planning:
Classroom Organization
- A student’s academic progress shall primarily be determined by individual achievement.
- Students’ desks shall face the teacher’s primary instructional area.
- Appropriate discipline techniques, which focus on positive reinforcement of appropriate behavior, shall be used to maintain a structured, calm, and orderly classroom atmosphere.
Curriculum Instruction
- Each teacher shall utilize whole-class instruction, direct teaching, and approved methods with an emphasis on meeting individual needs. Instructional time and students’ time on task shall be maximized. Classroom activities not directly related to academic tasks should be kept to a minimum in all grade levels.
- Grade levels and subject areas should be consistent in their curriculum.
- Teachers shall strive to provide academic challenges for all students. Parents shall also be encouraged to provide extended learning activities for their children.
- Teachers shall help students gain the necessary skills to become productive citizens by modeling and discussing the meaning of good citizenship, courtesy, honesty, and respect for personal and public property, and expect students to follow their example.
- Students shall remain in class until their assigned dismissal in order to maximize instructional time.
- Whole school announcements, visitors and guest observers, and individual messages to students shall not interfere with instructional time.
- High expectations shall be maintained for neatness, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and accuracy on all written assignments. Space shall be provided for students to show their work on tests and other assignments when appropriate. If necessary, an assignment may be returned to the student for revision.
- Teachers shall provide and establish a predetermined routine for testing.
- Students should be seated quietly and remain seated during testing. Teachers shall monitor students during the administration of a test. All necessary material shall be provided and interruptions kept to a minimum.
- Report cards shall be completed every quarter.
Daily Schedule
- Regular Day 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
- Half Day Early 8:00 a.m. – 11:35 a.m.
- Release Day 8:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Unless there is a sponsored school activity or enrolled in MAC, students should not arrive on the school grounds until 7:30 a.m. Supervision by staff is not provided until 7:30 a.m. Upon arrival, students should proceed to their designated playground area. In the event of bad weather, students may go directly to their classrooms.
Field Trips
- There is a district $50.00 Activity Fee (tax credit may be applied) charged per student to assist with the costs of covering field trips. The following procedures will apply:
- Field trips shall be related to the curriculum and appropriate to students’ grade level.
- Each grade level is permitted one field trip annually.
- The teacher shall preview material pertinent to the field trip.
- Teachers shall provide clear objectives for academic field trips. Teachers may require students to take notes and/or collect data for reports.
- Arrangements for the field trip, parent notification, transportation, lunch, and adult chaperones shall be made at least four weeks in advance.
- Ratio of adult chaperones shall be in accordance with Madison Elementary School District guidelines.
- MTA does not participate in field trips where the students stay overnight.
Owl Star Assemblies
K-4th grade, two students per homeroom, 5-8th grade six students per quarter per grade are recognized for their Owl-Standing behavior at the Owl-Star Assembly. Owl-Stars who are Safe, Mindful, Accountable, Respectful and Trustworthy (SMART) are celebrated in front of their peers and parents/guardians, and are awarded a Owl-Star certificate and an Owl-Star t-shirt provided by The Guild. This assembly is a Tier 1 Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS). Due to limited space students receiving Owl-Star awards will be able to invite two adult family members/guardians to attend the assembly. Children age 17 and under, including infants/toddlers (lap children), are NOT allowed to attend the Owl-Star Assembly.
Please review the following expectations by administration:
- This is a surprise for your child. Please do not share this information with them prior to the assembly.
- Each adult attending must be approved and signed in as a visitor in our RAPTOR system.
- Adults may arrive 10 minutes prior to the assembly and are expected to leave when their child returns to class.
- There will be reserved seating for two adults.
- No photography or videos during the assembly is allowed. However, adults will be allowed to take a picture with their child immediately following the assembly.
- We encourage parent(s)/guardian(s) to allow their child to return to class and leave as usual at the end of the school day.
Food Services
You can view the monthly menus as well as a list of current meal pricing by visiting the Madison Food & Nutrition Services page.
To avoid classroom disruption, lunches that are brought up to school will be kept in the front office. Remind your child to check the front office for their lunch prior to going to the cafeteria for lunch.
Students/parents are not allowed to share or exchange foods.
Parents, guardians, grandparents, or adult relatives are welcome to have lunch with a student. Visitors must sign in at the school office before going to the cafeteria to eat. Parents may only bring and distribute food for their own children.
Parties/celebrations are not allowed (for example, birthday cake or pizza).
General Information
Animals/pets are not to be brought to school without obtaining special permission from the teacher and principal.
Cell Phones
Students are permitted to have a cell phone at school; however, unless instructed by the teacher to use it for educational purposes, it must be turned off in their backpack. This will include smartwatches that are used to text or make calls. MTA staff will confiscate cell phones during the academic day if they see or hear them, and disciplinary action may be taken.
Lost and Found
The lost and found is located in the school cafeteria and is open during school hours. Please check often for those missing jackets, shoes, pants, and lunch boxes. Please write your child’s name on the inside of their clothing, water bottles, or lunch boxes. Items that have been found that are more expensive; such as jewelry, money, or eyeglasses will be kept in the front office.
Messages to Students
Classrooms will not be interrupted for parent messages unless an URGENT situation arises. Please be sure your child knows where he/she is going after school before leaving home in the morning. A change in the normal method will require a note from the parent.
Moving and Transferring
If you are moving and/or transferring to another school, please notify your teacher and the office one week in advance. Library books, classroom materials, and cafeteria charges must be cleared before leaving.
Students are not permitted to distribute private party invitations at school. Parents are to mail invitations home. The Guild organization makes available, each year, a directory for parent use. Please do not send flowers, balloons, gifts, etc. to school for your child. These items are a distraction to the educational environment and are not allowed.
Permanent Records
A cumulative record is maintained on each individual student as they progress through school. These records are open for inspection, but only to the person of concern, that is, the parent or guardian, and in the presence of office staff.
Personal Items / Toys
Students are not to bring toys, candy/gum, athletic or playground equipment, electronic devices, or other non-school items to school without the teacher’s permission. Any items that may interfere with the academic environment may be taken by the teacher and returned to the student at a later time or turned into the office to be picked up by parents. Please note: MTA personnel are not responsible for any of these items that may be damaged, lost, or stolen. Such things as toy knives, toy guns, batons, skateboards, rollerblades, scooters, skate shoes, etc. should never be brought to school.
Student Supplies
We do ask that students furnish such items as pencils, paper notebooks, etc. Supply lists for each grade level will be available on the MTA website. Some supplies will need to be replenished throughout the year.
Telephone Usage by Students
Permission for students to use the phone must come from the teacher. A student must have a note from his/her teacher to use the office phone. In case of emergency, the student will be allowed to use the phone without a note. Please encourage your child to leave a message in the event they reach your voicemail.
Grading and Report Cards
Grading and report cards shall be given in accordance with Madison Elementary School District guidelines.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled each fall and spring. Fall conference attendance is expected. Spring conferences and/or additional conferences will be held by request as deemed necessary by teachers and/or parents.
Progress Reports
Parents shall be contacted at the mid-term of each grading period regarding their child’s academic and behavioral performance. Progress reports shall be consistent at each grade level.
Students shall be promoted when they meet minimum grade level standards and pass all objectives for their grade level. Social promotions are discouraged. Please note: Participation in the eighth-grade promotion ceremony is a privilege, and the school administration reserves the right to deny any student participation due to poor grades, behavior, or attendance.
The responsibility for the total education of a child is shared by the family and the school and requires the active participation of the child in the educational process. Homework is designed to: provide reinforcement of skills and concepts, strengthen basic skills, stimulate and further personal interests, develop independent study skills, develop initiative, and responsibility and keep parents aware of their child’s curriculum and academic progress. Daily homework shall be due at the beginning of the next school day. Types of homework assigned may include but not be limited to:
- Completing work started in class
- Writing themes, short stories, or compositions
- Drilling and practicing specific skills
- Researching for long-term projects
- Memorizing material to be recited in class
- Listening, observing, and evaluating radio, TV, forums, concerts, and other programs related to courses
- Conducting interviews and gathering information from authoritative sources
- Working on notebooks, maps, and other projects related to course activities
Absent and Late Work
When a student is absent, homework will be provided upon his/her return and the student will be provided one day for each day missed to make up any missed work. For absences exceeding three days, parents may request homework at the time the call is made to report the child’s absence. The homework can be picked up in the school office after 3:00 p.m. that day. Late work procedures will vary by grade level. Please consult with your child’s teacher regarding their grade level procedures for late work.
Daily Guidelines
The average daily guidelines for homework (per District policy) are:
- Grades 1-2 15-20 minutes per day
- Grades 3–4 25-35 minutes per day
- Grades 5-6 50-60 minutes per day
- Grades 7-8 60-90 minutes per day
In addition, students are expected to spend 15 to 30 minutes of daily reading. The student may be read to, may read silently, or may read to parents or others in the home.
Homework Hints and Suggestions
- Find a private place to work, undistracted my TV, video, siblings, etc Be comfortable, yet structured
- Reserve time each evening for long-term projects
- Pay careful attention in the classroom. It is critical that each child utilizes available class time to avoid falling behind
- Record accurate information on homework sheets in your best handwriting
- Organizational skills are essential. Keep homework in a neat folder and clean out daily
- Be positive! Remember the goal of homework is to review and reinforce what your teacher has taught
- If a concept is new, or the student is new to our school, try working in shifts or using a timer. Short concentrated efforts at new concepts will alleviate added stress on the children and parents
- Be flexible! Try something new or different to help your child understand their homework
- Praise your child for their efforts
- If the frustration level escalates and both parent and child are frustrated: Stop!
Take a break from the homework and if you can, try again later
Long-term Assignments (assigned more than one week in advance)
Examples of long-term assignments include but are not limited to, book reports, poems/recitations, science projects, research papers, and current events. Failure to turn in a long-term assignment by the due date shall result in a failing grade (59%) for students at all grade levels. When a student is absent, long-term assignments are due at the beginning of class on the first day the student returns.
Parent Responsibilities
- Check their child’s homework for complete, neat and accurate responses. Provide a homework routine
- Provide a place for homework free from distraction
- Ensure proper materials and supplies are available for completing assignments · Show interest in the assignment
- Check their child’s agenda
- Utilize teacher web sites as a resource
- Communicate with the teacher in a timely manner if a homework concerns arises
Student Responsibilities
- Keep an accurate record of assignments
- Have necessary materials to complete assignment
- Complete assignments on time
- Do their own work
- Apply and practice skills learned in class
- Strive for the highest quality work possible
- Do their homework to the best of their ability
- Communicate to parents when concepts are new and difficult · Keep a weekly agenda updated
- Utilize teacher web sites as a resource
Teacher Responsibilities
- Provide appropriate feedback
- Assign meaningful and grade level appropriate homework
- Make every attempt to keep homework consistent at each grade level · Take into account long-term assignments when they assign the daily homework · Insure that all work is a review of classroom assignments
- Communicate well in advance on long-term assignments
- Respond in a timely manner when homework concerns are brought to their attention.
- Regularly update their web pages to reflect the week’s activities/homework MTA
Nurse Information
Administration of prescription or non-prescription medication may only occur upon the written or oral request of a parent/legal guardian. All medication MUST be in its original container (ARS 15-344). Parents shall not send medication to school with children. Bring the medication directly to the nurse and discuss with her the administration of the medication.
Arizona State Law requires all children entering school to be immunized against polio, diphtheria, tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella and Hepatitis B. Schools must refuse to enroll children who do not have completed immunization records.
Health Information
It is essential that we have the following information in case of a health emergency:
- Telephone number (s) where parents may be reached during school hours. Whom the child can be released to when parents are unavailable.
- The name and telephone number of the family doctor, name of insurance carrier, and hospital of choice in case of a medical emergency.
Should you keep your child home?
The following information should help with your decision.
The common cold is the most frequent illness. A child with “mild” cold symptoms without fever, who is otherwise feeling well, may go to school. A child with “heavy” cold symptoms with a cough belongs home in bed even though there is no fever. If your child complains of a sore throat and has no other symptoms, he may go to school. If the sore throat is accompanied by a headache, stomachache, or fever, keep your child home and call your doctor.
- FEVER -A fever is a warning that all is not right with the body. No child with a temperature over 100 ̊ should be sent to school. Do not allow your child to return to school until he has been free of fever for 24 hours (without medication for the fever).
- COUGH – A child with a mild cough and no fever may come to school. A child with a heavy or constant cough should stay home until the cough becomes milder. If this type of cough is accompanied by other symptoms (Ie: congestion or mild fever), it is recommended it be addressed by a health care provider before returning back to school.
- STOMACH ACHE - Consult your doctor if your child has a severe stomachache, which is enough to limit his/her activity.
- VOMITING - If vomiting occurs, keep your child home (for 24 hours after the last time) he/she vomited during the evening, night, or morning and until the child can keep food down. Call your doctor if prompt improvement does not occur.
- DIARRHEA - A child with diarrhea should be kept home (for 24 hours after) the last loose stool during the evening, night, or morning. Call your doctor if prompt improvement does not occur.
- RASH - A rash may be the first sign of one of the many childhood illnesses, such as strep or chicken pox. A rash, or “spots,” may cover the entire body or may appear in only one area. Do not send a child with a rash to school until your doctor has said that it is safe to do so.
- TOOTHACHE - Contact your dentist.
- EARACHE - Consult your doctor without delay.
- HEADACHE – A child whose only complaint is a headache usually needs not be kept home.
- ASTHMA – If a breathing treatment was needed before coming to school, please inform the nurse that morning stating what time the treatment was given and any other pertinent information so that the nurse may continue treatment if needed.
School Rules and Regulations
MTA is intended to have a highly structured, calm, and orderly atmosphere.
Respect and courtesy shall be exhibited at all times. Teachers and parents are expected to exemplify appropriate modes of conduct and abide by school rules.
School rules shall be consistent with Madison Elementary School District Governing Board policies.
Student Expectations
MTA is a Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) school. Students at MTA are SMART (Safe, Mindful, Accountable, Respectful, and Trustworthy). Students are expected to be SMART in all areas of the school, which include: classrooms, walkways, cafeteria, gym, office, bathrooms, playground, field, library, and any school-sponsored events or activities, and SMART towards staff and other students. All students at MTA receive Tier 1 PBIS.
Teachers proactively teach, enforce, and encourage SMART behavior throughout the school with an emphasis during the beginning of the school year and after district calendar breaks. Students are reinforced for desired behaviors by staff through the use of verbal praise, Owl Tickets, and incentives in the classroom and school-wide.
Students have the opportunity to exchange Owl Tickets for student incentives at the Owl-Store. The Owl-Store is funded through The Guild and is run by parent/guardian volunteers. Community and parent/guardian donations are welcome as long as they are deemed school appropriate by the PBIS Owl-Store Staff Member Liaison and Administration. Students also have the opportunity to earn classwide incentives which are determined by their teacher.
Student Discipline
Teacher/staff managed behaviors (minor behaviors) are documented through Minor Incident Reports and are issued with consequences.
Minor incident behaviors include (but are not limited to) the following: academic dishonesty, defiance, disrespect, language, disruption, minor aggressive acts (including physical contact), property misuse, technology violation, violation of the uniform policy, and other behaviors deemed not SMART at school.
Teachers/staff typically redirect students by giving students a verbal redirection and having an explicit conversation about expectations, with an opportunity to change behavior, before receiving a MIR with consequences. Teachers should consider the age, grade, and history of the student when issuing consequences. In addition, the teacher should take into consideration whether the student's behavior was the result of an accident or caused by a choice a student had made. Some behaviors warrant a MIR without verbal redirection and/or an explicit conversation, as expected behaviors are taught at the beginning of the year and are reviewed on-going as needed by teachers. Teachers/staff may also respond to student behavior (but are not limited to) the following interventions:
- Change of seating
- Loss of recess/lunch detention
- Loss of credit
- Student sent to “Buddy Room”
- Student apology
- Restitution
- Skill building conversation
- Parent conference/involvement
- Any other noted consequences/intervention in the MSD student discipline handbook
Administrative managed behaviors (major behaviors)are documented through an Office Discipline Referral with relevant consequences. Office Discipline Referrals (ODRs) are imputed into a student’s Educlimber student behavior record.
Major incident behaviors includes (but are not limited to) the following:
- Disruption
- Defiance
- Disrespect Towards Authority
- Non-Compliance
- Tardy
- Leaving School Grounds without Permission
- Unexcused Absence
- Truancy
- Academic Dishonesty
- Forgery
- Lying
- Plagiarism
- Violation of Uniform Policy (Dress Code)
- Gambling
- Abuse: Verbal/Profanity/Obscenity
- Abuse: Verbal; Profanity/Obscenity to Adult
- Negative Group Affiliation
- Public Display of Affection
- Computer/Network Infraction
- Telecommunication Device/Other Technology Violation
- Petty Theft
- Theft
- Extortion
- Robbery
- Armed Robbery
- Trespassing
- Vandalism or Criminal Damage
- Tobacco, Alcohol, Drugs: Possession, Sale, or Distribution Share or Use
- Harassment - Nonsexual
- Bullying
- Threat or Intimidation
- Hazing
- Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct
- Sexual Materials
- Indecent Exposure or Public Sexual Indecency
- Harassment - Sexual, Verbal Provocation
- Minor Aggressive Act (physical contact)
- Disorderly Conduct
- Recklessness
- Endangerment
- Fighting
- Assault
- Arson
- Threats to staff, students or school
- Weapons
- Dangerous Items
- and other behaviors deemed not SMART at school.
Administration will follow the MSD discipline rubric (located in the MSD Handbook) to determine the student’s consequences for major behaviors.
If multiple MIRs are earned by the student within a 45-day period and are for the same behavior, the student may be issued an ODR with consequences. Two Minor Incident Reports (MIRs) can result in an Office Discipline Referral with consequences.
Both minor and major behaviors are tracked and reviewed to recommend additional support or action steps for students. Tier 2 and Tier 3 behavior interventions are put in place when appropriate.
Student behavior at MTA is considered when evaluating a student’s open enrollment status for the following school year. Student behavior can result in the revocation of the student’s open enrollment status.
General Expectations
Students shall:
- Not possess weapons, tobacco, alcohol, or drugs
- Be on time to class and school activities
- Show respect to adults and fellow students
- Respect other individuals’ properties and not take items belonging to others
- Help preserve school property and grounds
- Not have chewing gum on campus
- Settle disagreements without fighting or threatening to fight.
- Use only wholesome and courteous language
- Walk on the sidewalks in a quiet and orderly manner when moving about the campus
- Act appropriately during school safety drills
- Enter teachers’ workroom, supply rooms, and staff rooms with permission only
Cafeteria Expectations
Students shall:
- Keep hands and feet to self
- Walk, no skipping and running
- Keep all food on trays and in the cafeteria
- Listen to and treat cafeteria duty adults with respect
- Talk in quiet voices
- Do not trade food at any time
- Students will stay in their seats while eating
- Students ask for permission to use the restroom or throw trash away
Playground Expectations
Students shall:
- Keep hands and feet to self
- Recess/lunch equipment properly
- Come directly to and stay in play areas
- Walk, do not run
- No playing in the restrooms
- Line up quietly when the bell rings
- Listen to and treat playground duty adults with respect
- No rock throwing
- Inappropriate words are not allowed
School Safety
To ensure student and staff safety Madison performs numerous emergency response drills throughout the school year. Madison’s Emergency Response Plan is comprised of information provided by the Department of Homeland Security and the Arizona Department of Education. Our staff is regularly trained on how to handle campus emergencies through best-practice courses offered by the Arizona Division of Emergency Management and FEMA.
- Bus Evacuation Drills: All students practice bus evacuation procedures once a semester.
- Fire Drills: All Madison schools perform monthly fire drills
- Lockdown Drills: All Madison schools hold at least two yearly lockdown drills. During a lockdown, all campus buildings are closed and locked. No one, other than emergency responders is permitted to enter or leave the building until the all-clear is given.
For your safety, as well as that of the children inside, we ask that parents refrain from congregating outside the campus during a school-wide emergency. Details and/or instructions will be sent to parents via our all-call phone and email system. Please be advised that staff cannot answer phones during drills/emergencies to keep lines open for critical communication.
School Services
The success and operation of MTA is due, in part, to the attendance and participation of parents, teachers, and administrators in school organizations and committees. MTA offers services to enhance school unity, parental involvement, and an environment that promotes student success, care, and safety. Services shall include, but are not limited to
Curriculum Night
MTA shall provide an overview of curriculum-based instruction at the beginning of the year. Parents may purchase materials to help their children at home.
Electronic Newsletter
The eHoot is MTA’s weekly newsletter sent electronically every Friday. The eHoot contains important information from the school and a message from the principal. The Hoots and Hollers is our PTO Guild newsletter sent out electronically each week. It contains general information about the school and announcements of special events and meetings.
Extended Day Care (MAC)
Madison Adventure Club (MAC) is a program the district offers to care for children before and after school. This service is offered for a fee by the District’s Community Education Department.
The Guild may direct on major fundraisers off campus each school year. Families are encouraged to participate together in this activity. Door-to-door sales by students are strongly discouraged.
Other fundraising activities on campus involving students shall take place before school, after school, or at lunchtime and must be approved by the principal.
Parent-Teacher Organization (The Guild)
The Guild is a volunteer parent-teacher organization that meets each month to support academic endeavors. The Guild activities include fundraising, building school community and spirit, and governance of the school and its functions. The Guild officers are elected by the membership, and one teacher shall be a member.
Parents may earn volunteer hours by attending monthly Guild community meetings. These are normally held on the second Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the cafeteria.
Site Council
The purpose of the MTA Site Council is to ensure that individuals are allowed to share in the decision-making process. The Site Council supports the school’s philosophy, vision, goals, student achievement, and climate. There shall be at least one meeting scheduled per month (except December and May) during the school year. Membership will consist of 10 members:
- Principal (Chairperson and non-voting member)
- Assistant Principal
- 3 teachers, serving alternating 2-year terms
- 3 parents, not employed by the Madison School District, 2 elected on alternating 2-year terms and one PTO (Guild) Executive Board Officer elected by the PTO Executive Board annually (not to exceed 2 years) - 1 classified staff representative
- 1 community member
Open enrollment policy dictates that parents shall be responsible for providing transportation of their child to and from MTA. No bus service is available at this time.
Through the parent compact, each family (parents (or legal guardian) and/or grandparents) is required to volunteer a minimum of 20 hours each school year. The parent volunteer commitment requires that each family completes 5 hours of volunteer services per 9 week quarter. Failure to meet the volunteer commitment may result in the loss of the students' open enrollment. Parents are always needed for special projects, activities, and field trips. To avoid disruption to the learning environment, parents should never stop in or drop by a classroom unannounced. Parents must obtain teacher permission before coming into the classroom to volunteer. Parents wishing to volunteer in the cafeteria or on the playground will need to sign–up on the Guild web page. In addition, there are several opportunities to volunteer at Guild events as well (including attending a monthly Guild Meeting). Parents who are volunteering on campus should sign/login and wear their Guild-provided ID badge. Parents who are not volunteering (for ex. having lunch with their child or attending an event) should sign in to Raptor and wear a visitor’s sticker. For specific information on registering as a volunteer, please refer to the MSD Volunteer Handbook.
Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up
Student Drop-Off
- Students cannot be on school grounds until 7:30 a.m. (unless enrolled in MAC or attending a school-sponsored activity). Please note: There is no MTA staff supervision on the playgrounds until 7:30 a.m.
- Practice Parking lot CPR (Cooperation, Patience, and Respect) ∙ Enter the school off 10thSt., form two lines of cars and merge into one line at the corner turn
- Continue moving forward into the Drop-Off Zone when space exists (along the sidewalk)
- Once you have dropped-off your child(ren), merge left out of the line and proceed to the exit (Maryland exit will support left and right turns simultaneously)
- After drop-off, students should proceed to their designated playground
Student Pick-up
- Enter off of 10thStreet
- Form two lines of cars (one for left turns; one for right turns off 10th Street)
- Merge into one line at the corner turn (behind home plate)
- Stay in the line until you have picked-up your child(ren) at the sidewalk area • Older siblings should go to the pick-up area of their younger sibling
- Once you have your child(ren), merge left out of the line and proceed to the exit
- Please Note: Maryland exit will support left and right turns simultaneously
Important Reminders to keep the line moving:
- Practice Parking lot CPR (Cooperation, Patience, and Respect) ∙ Never leave a car unattended in the pick-up/drop-off line
- Continue to move forward when space is available (leave room to merge/exit) ∙ For the safety of your child, have them enter/exit on the passenger side ∙ Do not merge into the left exit lane until you have your child(ren)and are leaving
- Watch for children and for cars when merging
Student Uniform Dress Code
Madison Traditional Academy has a mandatory uniform dress code for all students in kindergarten through eighth grade. Students are required to conform to the dress standard each day. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure compliance with the dress code. The MTA administration will have complete and final judgment on all matters concerning interpreting the standard of dress policy. The designated uniform shall be:
Uniform Tops:
Solid white, solid navy blue, or solid red colored tops. Tops must have collars.
(Students may wear their MTA t-shirts on Fridays).
All shirts and blouses must be hemmed, appropriately buttoned, and tucked in at all times.
Sheer, see-through shirts are not allowed.
Shirts may not be turned inside out.
Any shirt worn under the collared shirt must be the same color or a white short-sleeved t-shirt.
Uniform Bottoms:
Boys: The bottoms must be navy blue or khaki pants or shorts.
Girls: The bottoms must be navy blue or khaki pants, shorts, skorts, skirts, jumpers, or capri pants.
Girls may wear MTA’s approved (Dennis Uniforms) plaid skirt, skort, or jumper.
Girls may wear a navy blue, red, or white polo-styled dress.
Tights, footless tights, or leggings must be solid white, cream, red, or navy.
When wearing skirts, dresses, or jumpers, girls must wear athletic/sports shorts underneath.
Shorts, skirts, skorts, dresses, or jumpers must be below the fingertips when the students place their hands at their sides.
No athletic wear or cargo-style bottoms.
Click here to purchase uniform bottoms
All shoes must be fully closed (front and back), matching, properly tied, and cannot have a heel higher than one inch. Slippers, five-fingered shoes, toe shoes, etc., will not be allowed.
Socks must be a solid, matching color (red, navy blue, white, or black) and may not have any logo or extend above the knee.
Additional Standards:
Other than the MTA logo, logos on uniform clothing may not be larger than one inch and may be a different color than the uniform clothing. Socks may not have a logo.
Slits, tears, holes, excessive dirt, shredded hems, etc., may not alter uniform clothing.
Uniforms that are too tight fitting, oversized, or baggy are prohibited.
Heavy winter outerwear must be removed once inside the classroom.
Light outerwear worn inside the classroom, such as a sweatshirt or sweater, must be a single solid school uniform color (red, navy blue, black, or white) and may not contain a logo more significant than one inch (except for the MTA logo).
Buttons, jewelry, belt buckles, and other accessories containing vulgar, lewd, obscene, or offensive messages are prohibited.
Clothing that may lead to substantial interference with school activities; those that advocate the use of alcohol or drugs and clothing that make reference to or identify with gangs, as well as clothing with racially or sexually suggestive messages or pictures—are banned at school or school activities.
Long hanging chains and large belt buckles with metal studs are not allowed.
Bandanas are not allowed on campus.
Baseball caps or other headwear (including hoods on jackets) may not be worn inside buildings. Baseball caps worn outside must have the bills facing forward.
Jewelry on pierced body parts other than the ear is not allowed. Any jewelry deemed a safety issue will be asked to be removed—examples: Large hoop earrings and dangling earrings.
Hair must be neatly groomed, with no extreme cuts, styles, or coloring (one natural color only). Bangs shall be worn above the eyebrows or pinned away from the eyes.
Visiting Your Child
All visitors must sign in through Raptor and get a visitor’s badge in the office any time you are visiting the campus. If you are visiting or volunteering in a classroom, please turn off beepers and cell phones. If you are delivering lunch or other items for your child, please leave such items in the office. Due to liability issues, children (including siblings) who are not enrolled in Madison Traditional Academy will not be permitted to attend. Parents are welcome to visit their children’s classes; however, parents are not to “drop in” the classroom to visit or “drop off” to the classroom forgotten books, homework, lunches, etc. This practice disrupts the learning process of the entire class. To ensure we maximize academic time, we request that any item that is dropped off be done so with the front office. The office will alert the classroom teacher. Children should be encouraged to ask their teacher for an appropriate time to come to the office when they know an item may be dropped off.